In recent months, we released our custom BaseLinker Connect integration, which simplifies the transfer of data between BaseLinker accounts. We are pleased that you liked the idea of it very much and that you are willing to use its functionalities. Thank you for your valuable feedback, thanks to which we are developing the Connect module for your needs. Below you will find out what new improvements we have made to the integration.
What is the main task of BaseLinker Connect?
BaseLinker Connect makes it easier to exchange data between any number of BaseLinker users. Thanks to the module, you can transfer orders and shipments, as well as share product data from a specific BaseLinker catalog with other BaseLinker users. This is a big simplification from the perspective of the entire e-commerce environment, as it automates sales processes between different parties – stores, wholesalers, suppliers or fulfillment service providers.
What new features have we introduced within the module?
1. Transfer of packages and labels between BaseLinker accounts, regardless of who created the shipment. This is a significant improvement of the cooperation between, for example, a store ↔ fulfillment service provider or a store ↔ dropshipping wholesaler (for example, you can create an Allegro Smart shipment and then forward it along with the order to your dropshipping wholesaler). Now both sides of the exchange have the ability to download the label and automatically track packages, regardless of who created the package. Parcels can be transferred immediately with the order or afterwards.

2. We have also developed the order transfer part of the module – now the recipient of an order, e.g. a wholesaler, can use a new option to overwrite the name, price, tax rate, SKU and weight of a product with data from its own warehouse. This is a significant improvement for parties receiving orders. Why? If you’re running a wholesaler, the name from your own warehouse will allow your picking and packing team to process the order faster, while the prices and VAT rate will be set to the ones you’re actually operating on (the vendor’s may be different, e.g. due to margin, market or sales platform). On the other hand, if the order from the seller lacks, for example, the weight of the products, you will avoid difficulties when creating the shipment thanks to the option of overwriting the weight from products matched from your warehouse.

3. If you want to allow another user to use products from your BaseLinker catalog, but prefer not to share all the data, you can specify the level of access. We have added an option to limit the shared product data (descriptions, parameters, images). When can this setting be useful? E.g. if your product descriptions are optimized for SEO and you don’t want them to be used by other parties in the same form.

4. On the other hand, if through BaseLinker Connect you want to share products from your catalog with another BaseLinker user, but you feel that the product should have a different description or parameters within the shared token, you now have the option to prepare separate data in the “Publications” tab. Your partner will then receive a product description and data specifically for BaseLinker Connect, which may be different from other sales channels.

5. Within BaseLinker Connect, you can also specify the source magazine from which you want the stock to descend when the order is downloaded. This information will significantly improve the order fulfillment process and make it easy to keep your inventory organized.

6. An important new feature offered by BaseLinker Connect is the ability to download to your warehouse a third-party warehouse provided by a partner. If you are an online retailer and work with a wholesaler that also uses BaseLinker, this will make your work significantly easier. Check out the improvements that go behind the option to import products via BaseLinker Connect:
- You can freely change names, descriptions, assign VAT rates or set your own prices to the downloaded products (for example, automatically calculating the price with margin based on the wholesale price in the price group).
- You can easily link products from your own BaseLinker warehouse to a partner’s warehouse shared by BaseLinker Connect.
- According to your needs, you can set the synchronization of stocks and prices with the external warehouse:

If you are not using the BaseLinker Connect integration yet, you can quickly connect it in your account under Integrations → Other.
Read the instructions for using BaseLinker Connect >>
Thanks to your feedback, we are developing BaseLinker Connect with more functionalities. We encourage you to submit more ideas that can improve this module.