This article describes the features of the new inventory module.

Attention – the ‘Inventory control’ section is still in the testing stage (beta).


If you only want to use the store or wholesaler warehouse, then you won’t need the Product Manager. You can list offers directly from an external warehouse, which will be visible in the ‘Listing’ tab.


If, on the other hand:

  • you want to run a central warehouse in BaseLinker,
  • you want to connect a store warehouse with another store/wholesaler
  • you want to integrate an ERP system

Then configure the BaseLinker Inventory and import the products.


Products can be manually entered into the BaseLinker Inventory, or imported from an external source.



The following types of imports are available:


  1. Import products from CSV or XML file
  2. Importing products from a store or from a wholesaler
  3. Import of marketplace offers with an option to create products in BaseLinker Inventory 
  4. Integration with ERP system using an external integrator



Remember to back up your inventory before executing a large import!

An improperly configured import can result in irreversible data loss (e.g., descriptions being deleted or overwritten with a different value).

You can make a backup by downloading the file in Products → Import / Export → Export (we recommend default export to XML format).

Note that the file will contain images only if they are saved as a URL link. 

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