Cooperate in various ways:

If you provide online store installation services, offer the customer to integrate the store with marketplace platforms via BaseLinker.

You will receive a monthly commission for each customer you connect to our system. The amount is determined individually with each partner and depends mainly on the number of connected shops.


Connect your shop platform with BaseLinker and promote it as a fully integrated with marketplaces!

Our system will provide two-way communication with the marketplace and updates in reaction to changes in the service's API. Therefore, time consuming changes remain on BaseLinker's side and you have access to always up-to-date interface for marketplace communication.


Companies supporting online sellers are welcome to cooperation.

We will gladly carry out integration with carrier systems, accounting programs and other e-commerce platforms or tools.

The terms and conditions of cooperation will be set individually, we are always open to interesting offers!


Test all system integrations and functions free of charge for 30 days