BaseLinker Connect integration enables data exchange between any number of BaseLinker users. It allows you to transfer orders and shipments and share product data from the BaseLinker catalog to another seller's account in our system.

The goal of BaseLinker Connect is to facilitate cooperation between different users of the service, such as between a store and a dropshipping wholesaler, a store and a fulfillment operator, or another business partner who also has an account in BaseLinker. With BaseLinker Connect, you can automate the exchange of products and orders information and streamline daily sales processes in your e-commerce.

The integration is available to users of our system who are using the new BaseLinker warehouse – Product Manager.

Check BaseLinker Connect integration with other systems:

BaseLinker Connect + Marketplace

BaseLinker Connect + Shops

BaseLinker Connect + Fulfillment

Test all system integrations and functions free of charge for 30 days