
Efficient Order Selection – A New Feature in the Pick&Pack Assistant


We know that many of you struggle with the efficient picking and packing of orders on a daily basis. Our Pick&Pack Assistant is a key feature that helps manage these warehouse needs. Therefore, we are delighted to introduce a new, enhanced order selection function in the BaseLinker system, which responds to the growing needs of our customers in terms of logistics process management. Make the...

Purchase orders prediction in the BaseLinker inventory

Purchase order in BaseLinker

We have been working intensively on the development of the Inventory control section in BaseLinker Product Manager. Among other things, we have devoted the last few months to the important Purchase orders section. Automatic supplies’ deliveries and related sales forecasting functions are now available to BaseLinker users. Discover 3 paths to automate purchase orders: 1/ Product list in the...

Mass product operations in the BaseLinker catalogue

Product operations

Over the past few months, we have been working on implementing bulk operations on products in the BaseLinker catalogue. This is a significant change that allows for quick data updates in the BaseLinker panel. This feature was highly requested by many users as it can replace other methods of editing products, such as with a file, API or manual editing of the assortment. Mass product operations are...

Time of publication

